Thursday, March 18, 2010

I'm Stuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope all of the exclamation points make you understand how I feel about this subject. I'm stuck at 150, there I said it!!! What the heck?!?! Nothing I do is making that number fall. Nothing at all!! I work out, nothin! I eat right, nothin!!! Some one told me last week I just need to step it up and work out every day but who has time for that when you have three kids and you live in an apartment where the slightest noise can be heard in a 5 block radius! I find that my only down time is at night but that just makes it too noisy for those who are snugly sleeping in their beds! So now what? Do I get an eating disorder just to get to my goal weight?? I think not, I can't stand not eating nor can I gag myself on purpose! So what do I do, HELP!!!!! I will take any advice from anyone who knows what I'm going through or has expertise in this area!! It's like the black plague for me! I think if I could just get down 5 lbs. that I could loose more faster but this first 5 is not coming off! I really like Janet Jackson's music but do you know what I like even more about her. It's her ABS!!!! She has the most amazing abs! What I wouldn't give to have her upper body! I think that you all should tell me how I'm supposed to get those abs when I can't move past 150lbs! If I haven't stressed it enough today I would really like some help in figuring out this dilemma. Please and Thank you!!!!


  1. Hey Anna! Obviously, I'm no expert but I have been drinking 'green smoothies' and losing a little bit of weight. You can do them as meal replacements or just as an energy boost and a great way to get in your fruits and vegetables. You just blend spinach (or any leafy green veg but spinanch has the least flavor) and water in a blender. I usually do about 1 1/2 cups of water and as much spinach as I can stuff in the water so it's covered but you can start out with as little spinach as you want. Blend that up and then add any fruits you want usually 1-3 servings and blend it again till it's smoothie consistency. I always put a banana in because it makes it creamy and covers the spinach taste, then I add frozen strawberries, fresh pineapple, fresh cut apples, frozen peaches/blueberries/blackberries/raspberries etc... whatever combo you think would taste good! Usually makes about a quart depending on how much you put in there. It takes a couple tries to get a good flavor you like and it's probably best to start with a little less spinach and then add more later. The color is AWFUL but it really just tastes like a fruit smoothie! You can also add a little honey to make it sweeter if you need to. Anyways, now I've written a novel so call or write me if you have questions or want some more tips! :) I started drinking them as two of my meals and ...CAREFUL..they'll clean you OUT if you know what I mean!!.. but I lost 7 pounds right away. I'm just drinking them as afternoon/evening snack or meal now and it's a great energy boost and a fast easy way to get a lot of fruits/veggies. P.S. Spinach in the store is REALLY expensive but you can buy huge bags or boxes of it at Costco for like $3. The organic kind is supposedly better for you but I've used both. Ok I'm really done now! :)

  2. Everything being relative... I can't lose the 'happy' weight I've put on this year. I know how you feel, I've done everything - including things I shouldn't. I'm definitely going to try Nat's smoothies. It certainly can't hurt. Good luck - don't give up, that's what I have to tell myself. xoxo
