Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Holy Holidays

Well it's almost the New Year and this is the time that most people make their New Years resolution to loose weight. But luck for me I did that a while ago. But I can make the resolution to stick with it. And lucky for me I didn't gain any additional weight over the Holidays. Bad news I didn't loose any either!:( But I did get track suits form my hubby for Christmas so I can sport them as I work out. Did I mention I'm getting back into running again. I haven't done this sense before I had my kiddos. My cousin has this crazy idea that I should train to run with her in the Salt Lake half marathon. HAHAHA! If I get the time to train I might be able to run the 5K first. I have to start out easy, after having kids you can't just jump back in full force when your body isn't used to doing that much. I now just have to dig out my jogging stroller and give it a whirl. I'm still watching what I eat. Making sure that I choose Light dressing instead of RANCH. (tear, tear) And I'm doing the cardio online. I did post new music that you can use to work out to. It always helps to have uplifting music to keep you motivated. And The quote I want to leave you with today is " When your working out you should tell your self that you are doing a good job instead of saying oh my gosh I can't do any more." When you push your self be positive instead of negative you'll get more done this way. And Yes My tummy is smaller now pictures will come up next time. Have a happy New Year and keep to your goals!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Holy Cow!!

So I weighed my self and holy cow I'm only 150!!! And this is mostly due to the fact that I haven't been as hungry lately and that I don't eat unless I have to. I mean I'll eat my three meals a day because I know if I don't I will get dizzy and sick but I don't snack nearly as much as I did before! And now when I snack it's more like broccoli or cottage cheese. Things that don't have as much calories or fat in them. I think it's weird that when I thought about losing weight that I felt less hungry. Less fills me up now. I'm able to wear clothes I had from before the baby or bb as I like to call it. But I still want to get down at least another 20 lbs. So now that I know I can deal with eating less I can work on the work out part. My stamina is not what it used to be. Now a ten min cardio work out has got me panting like a dog after it. But I know that if I stick to it I'll be able to do it with ease soon. I really think most of it is mind over matter in my case. I mean if I think about food and I think oh I could never cut that many calories than I can't. But if I think positive about it and tell myself that it's not that much then it isn't and I don't eat as much. So I guess the trick is finding things that are good for you that also taste yummy so you feel like your getting full. There is a show on tv called Healthy Decadence with Devon Alexander and she shows you how to make things you would find in restaurants with less calories and fat but still taste good. I have made her chicken buffalo fingers, so good! And she has amazing salads. Try watching it sometime it's great! Less doesn't have to be tasteless!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanks for the comments girls, I love getting honest feedback! So today I did the calorie finder thing and it said that I should be eating about 2000 calories if I want to be down to my goal weight which is about 130 to 125 ish. My weight right now is about 168-165 ish. But that means that my plate should have 1/3 of lean protien and 2/3 of good carbs (ie.fruits, vegetables). And so my body fat percentage is 38.98 and my body fat weight is 66.27 and my lean body mass is 103.73. The average American female body fat percentage is 32, but an ideal female is 22,gymnasts are 14 and swimmers are 19. All of this info I got on the Zone diet website. So I have a ways to go but I'm determined to do this. I have heard about mommy and me yoga, any thoughts?? I was very flexable back in high school and college, but now I can't even do the splits! So I thought if I did yoga as well as cardio that would help. Anyone know where I can get a good deal on a treadmill or climber that folds up. I don't want to take baby out in the cold for a run. Did you know that you don't need a pricey gym membership to get a good workout. You can look online for work outs that are free and give you step by step work outs for every level. Try about.com. Here are some diet excuses that made me laugh. You always need a good laugh when your doing something you may not like but you know you have to do it. Enjoy!! Chocolate is a vegetable. How, you ask? Chocolate is derived from cacao beans. Bean = vegetable. Sugar is derived from either sugar CANE or sugar BEETS. Both are plants, which places them in the vegetable category. Thus, chocolate is a vegetable.
Only eat things that have been broken into pieces; that way, all the calories fall out.
Things licked off knives and spoons have no calories if you are in the process of preparing something. Examples are peanut butter on a knife making a sandwich and ice cream on a spoon making a sundae.
Cookie pieces contain no fat -- the process of breaking causes fat leakage.
If you fatten up everyone else around you, then you look thinner.
If you drink a diet soda with a candy bar, the calories in the candy bar are canceled out by the diet soda.
If you eat something and no one sees you eat it, it has no calories.
I had to get the bitter taste out of my mouth from eating the so-called dish, so I had an ice cream.
But it was my birthday, so I had to eat the whole cake.