Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Gettin back my groove back

So I'm getting my groove back by taking a Jazz dance class every Tuesday. Mind you this is my first class after having three kids! And I have to say I'm glad there were no mirrors in this class! My flexibility is not what it used to be. But I do feel better. Dancing has always been a passion of mine but I was at the height of my dancing when I found out I was pregnant with my first son. So now I'm back! I have some other friends that teach some Hip Hop classes but these are way advanced. I'm starting out slow but I'm going to take the advanced classes soon. I think that if I do this every Tuesday I can supplement the rest of the week with my Hip Hop abs dvd's and Walking with the baby. Right now by body weight is in the healthy range for my height but I do want my body to be right for me. And that includes toning and flexibility. I have heard that the LA WNBA team has dancers that are older women 40 ish and up and I hope to be that fit when I'm older. I'm done having any of my own children so I figure I can start now and work up to that. If anyone knows of any good adult dance classes in Salt Lake leave me a comment so I can post them on my blog!!! Let's hope I don't feel to bad in the morning now! LOL

1 comment:

  1. That sounds really fun! Too bad I'm your idiot cousin with NO coordination! :)
