Wednesday, March 31, 2010

New website/DVD

So I was reading this new blog, which is Fitness for the rest of us. And I have to tell you that I love it. I'm always looking for new ideas on workouts and things that might help us all on our journey to getting fit. And this website does just that. She has neat little reviews about different DVDs and work outs. And she has snack ideas and recipes. Right now she has a giveaway for a DVD with Stephanie Vitorino. I would love to have this DVD and try it to see if I could incorporate this into my w/o's.

As for me I think I can now see little indents in my torso area which means I'm getting some definition back!! I might actually be getting, dare I say it CURVES!! I've never had curves before. Before I had kids I had no hips, no but and average B cup breasts. Now I have D cup breasts and I have a little booty! No hips but that's not so bad. But If I could have some defined curves than I wouldn't look like a boy figure! So I tried the spinach smoothie my cousin recommend in the comments of my last post and I like it for the most part. Mine was a bit different but this is how I made it

Fill my magic bullet cup with half water
Then shove as much spinach as will fit over the water
Then add 1/4 cup frozen yogurt( Vanilla is 60 calories for 1/4 cup)
Then about 1/4 cup frozen berry mix

Blend until smooth and enjoy
I have to say at first I wasn't sold but it worked after many different experiments.
I will say though that it's not really a good breakfast smoothie unless you have something else with it. Breakfast being the most important meal of the day this smoothie doesn't fill you up so I was hungry by 10 am. But it works as a snack at night when you are craving something sweet! My cousin also said she used it to get down 7 lbs. So I guess it would be good for those of us who are looking to shed about 5 lbs to get over the hump of being stuck!! And side note it makes you have to go to the ladies room quite often so yes night time is best!!
Here are some great weight loss jokes I found thought I should pass them on to you!!
Weight Loss Buddies
My friend Kimberly announced that she had started a diet to lose some pounds she had put on recently.

"Good!" I exclaimed. "I'm ready to start a diet too. We can be dieting buddies and help each other out. When I feel the urge to drive out and get a burger and fries, I'll call you first."

"Great!" she replied. "I'll ride with you."

-- Katina Fisher

I told my Doctor that I have metal filling in my teeth and my refrigerator is a magnet and it just keeps pulling me in!

So I hope this info helps you out on your Journey to get fit!! Have a great week:)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I'm Stuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope all of the exclamation points make you understand how I feel about this subject. I'm stuck at 150, there I said it!!! What the heck?!?! Nothing I do is making that number fall. Nothing at all!! I work out, nothin! I eat right, nothin!!! Some one told me last week I just need to step it up and work out every day but who has time for that when you have three kids and you live in an apartment where the slightest noise can be heard in a 5 block radius! I find that my only down time is at night but that just makes it too noisy for those who are snugly sleeping in their beds! So now what? Do I get an eating disorder just to get to my goal weight?? I think not, I can't stand not eating nor can I gag myself on purpose! So what do I do, HELP!!!!! I will take any advice from anyone who knows what I'm going through or has expertise in this area!! It's like the black plague for me! I think if I could just get down 5 lbs. that I could loose more faster but this first 5 is not coming off! I really like Janet Jackson's music but do you know what I like even more about her. It's her ABS!!!! She has the most amazing abs! What I wouldn't give to have her upper body! I think that you all should tell me how I'm supposed to get those abs when I can't move past 150lbs! If I haven't stressed it enough today I would really like some help in figuring out this dilemma. Please and Thank you!!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Gettin back my groove back

So I'm getting my groove back by taking a Jazz dance class every Tuesday. Mind you this is my first class after having three kids! And I have to say I'm glad there were no mirrors in this class! My flexibility is not what it used to be. But I do feel better. Dancing has always been a passion of mine but I was at the height of my dancing when I found out I was pregnant with my first son. So now I'm back! I have some other friends that teach some Hip Hop classes but these are way advanced. I'm starting out slow but I'm going to take the advanced classes soon. I think that if I do this every Tuesday I can supplement the rest of the week with my Hip Hop abs dvd's and Walking with the baby. Right now by body weight is in the healthy range for my height but I do want my body to be right for me. And that includes toning and flexibility. I have heard that the LA WNBA team has dancers that are older women 40 ish and up and I hope to be that fit when I'm older. I'm done having any of my own children so I figure I can start now and work up to that. If anyone knows of any good adult dance classes in Salt Lake leave me a comment so I can post them on my blog!!! Let's hope I don't feel to bad in the morning now! LOL

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

So Time to make a weight loss update I am now down to 150 Yea!!! Now that it's getting nicer and warmer outside I am able to more walking with the baby in the stroller. And I am still watching what I eat. It's super hard when my boys want to have dessert every night after dinner, but I have been strong enough to not eat it every day. I have been making meals that are healthier for the family. Online you can get lots of recipes that list the calories and fat. But you also have to stick to the serving sizes if you want the results. If it says 1 cup then measure 1 cup. You'd be surprised what you really need to feel full! I now have a date that I want to be down to my goal by. We are going on a Vaca in May to Mesquite/ St.George. So I need to be able to wear my swimsuit by then. So now I just have 20 lbs to loose and some major toning to do. I've been thinking about a purchase to help with the toning. I want to know what you think of Fit Flops. Have you tried them?? Have you heard any good things about them?? The average price for a pair is about $80. So I'd like to get your opinion about them before I make this purchase. And I know that rebook makes a shoe and sketchers makes a shoe that help with toning your legs. Have you tried them?? Do you know if either one is better?? As I was watching celebrity fit club boot camp last night while folding laundry I saw many people on there who are not oer weight but they just want to look better for their height. And I think that's what I want . I just need to look good for me and what I'm used to. If any of you are reading this and are also going on a journey to look and feel better, keep it up!! Your awesome and you can do it!!