Monday, November 30, 2009

The Ugly truth

Ok I said I was going to post my stats and here they are! My chest is mesuring at 39" arm is 11 1/2", tummy is 39", waist is 37 1/2", Hips 40 1/2", and thigh is 23". I don't have my weight I left my scale at my mom's and forgot to get it. My biggest problem area is my tummy other wise known as "Muffin Top". I hate my mid section, it's like that black plague!! (see photos) That is the part I want to take the most inches off. The rest I just need to tone up. Today I decided to watch my calories better so I'm going to post what I ate and how many calories it was. I know there is lots of debate as to how many calories we should eat a day, is it 1200 or 1600? All I know is that you should eat better and eat less junk it's a no brainer!! So this morning I had 1/2 cup of oatmeal with 1/2 cup of skim milk(100) and 2 tbs.brown sugar(30) and a piece of whole grain toast(100) with 2 tbs. butter(90). So that was 410 calories all together. Then for lunch I had what I call chicken nugget salad. It had 5 chicken nuggets(210) 1 cup of Iceburg lettuce salad mix(8) and 2 tbs. bbq sauce(50) and 2 tbs. ranch dressing(130). That's 398 total! Not bad for my first day but I could use some help. I know I need to buy more things that are less calories and that will fill me up better. I have also walked out side for about 15 min total this morning. I've got to figure out a way to get in some more exercise time. Maybe I'll bust out my hip hop abs dvd's tonight. Please check out the poll question for today. Again if you read this blog and you have good advice for me please post a comment!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Turning over a new leaf

So I'm starting this new blog because I want to start a new chapter in my life! Now that I'm done having any children that will shoot out of my nether regions I want to get my body back down to a weight that is right for my body type and height. I may look at others who I consider to be skinny mini, but we can't all look like that. Am I right, you know I am! We need to be realistic about what are bodies look like now and realistic about what they can look like. I believe that my body type is similar to that of Beyonce. I have wider hips and thighs but with a little work my tummy could be that flat. She is by no means a size two but she looks good so who cares what size she is! Who's body type do you most closely resemble? Losing weight doesn't have to mean starving yourself. It's a balance of the right exercise and food that work good for you. Not everything someone else is doing is going to work for you. But trying new things can't hurt until you find what's right for you. So I plan on posting about things I read and things I'm trying to get to my goal. I'm hoping this will help me stick to my goals and help anyone else who might be facing the same challenge I am. Now mind you I am no expert unless you count having three kids and now everything on my body is not where it used to be!:) Whatever you size or body type is I hope what I say can help you with your personal issues. My first official post will be Monday, I will be posting my stats (ie.weight, measurements). Scary I know!! But you can't achieve something in life without admitting the truth first. I think it's also vital to see your family doctor to get help on reaching your goal. You may have things going on with your body you don't know about that are affecting your goal. I will also post foods that are good to getting healthy and staying that way. If you have any recipes that work for you please share them on the comments. Let's take this journey together so we all can feel good about ourselves!! Yea for feeling good about ourselves and looking the best we ever have!!